
60th. Anniversary of the Commissioning of HMAS Shropshire

Dear Mac,

Fascinating to find such an informative site relating to the "Shropshire".
In 1942 As a fourteen year old I worked on her as a "rivet boy" in Chatham Dockyard. I have a very fond memory of that time I would like to share with you.
A Petty Officer in charge of a group of sailors was replacing the emergency rations in some of the Carley Floats. He handed the "Old" chocolate bars around to all of us young kids who were watching the procedures. Our sweet ration in those days was 4 ounces Per Month so we were in seventh heaven. He handed me a can of drink. I have never forgotten it. The can resembled today's Coke can. It differed however by having a "Wick" which you lit. It heated the can and you ended up with a hot chocolate drink. I am surprised the idea was not exploited commercially. ( Perhaps it was )
Thank you for reviving these old memories
Michael Baker
Sth Australia

Hello Michael,

Thank you for your E-Mail.

By coincidence I have just returned from Ulverstone in Tasmania from a Celebratioin to mark the 60th. Anniversary of the Commissioning of HMAS Shropshire as a unit into the Royal Australian Navy at Chatham on the 25th. of June 1943.

I have attached a copy of a brochure we used in Tassie. We had a get together on the Friday evening, a March with the Ulverstone Band and a Police escort, with two serving Commanders in uniform with drawn swords to lead our banner on Saturday to Shropshire Park where there is a fine memorial to our old ship, here we had a Memorial Service led by the Reverend Canon Newett, with about 150 people attending.

On Saturday evening, almost a 100 sat down to the Official Dinner at the Waterfront Inn at  lverstone, made up by Shropshire sailors, their wives or widows from former shipmates.

It was a marvellous occasion when I can assure you plenty of stories were regaled, from the time the ship commissioned through her wonderful war service in the Pacific, the Victory cruise to UK in 1946, to her final decommissioning. She was a great ship with a wonderful company, the best ship I ever served in.

Sunday lunch was the final function, and we all departed on our separate ways, some to tour the West coast of Tasmania, or other parts of the Island, others to disperse to all states on the mainland.

We had at the Celebration, all of the six State Presidents of the Canberra/Shropshire Association, I happen to be the President of the Victorian Association. With most of us now in our eighties, it seems unlikely that all six State Presidents will ever be together again at the one Celebration or reunion again, so this weekend at Ulverstone was very special to us all.

Thank you for your interest, with best wishes.

Mac. Gregory.

HMAS Srhipshire Commisioning Anniversay

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