
1st Lieutenant on HMS Latimer on the laying of PLUTO

October 25, 2012


My dad (still alive aged 99) was 1st Lieutenant on HMS Latimer on the laying of PLUTO also in command on the recovery. He still has the ships log for the recovery. He received the MBE for the recovery as so much was
recovered and I am eally proud of him. (see "PLUTO. (Pipe line under the ocean")

Jane Phillips


Thanks for your mail, may I add it to our PLUTO page on AHOY?

It is wonderful that your Dad is still going at 99, I am 9 years behind him. 


Hi Mac,

Yes please feel free to add it to your PLUTO page. So pleased you are still going strong. My dad puts it down to his
tot (well not such a tot actually) of brandy each evening.

Take care.


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