
16mm film footage of SS Voltaire 2

November 13, 2012

I have just come across your ‘Ahoy’ web site while looking for information about the SS Voltaire 2.

I have some 16mm film footage shot by my wife’s grandfather (both b&w AND colour) in 1933/4 and 1937 while a passenger on the Voltaire to New York and on a cruise in Norway.
If you are interested I can let you have an mpg copy. I would need to edit the non-Voltaire stuff out – but don’t want to go to the effort if you don’t want it. So let me know if you do and I will send once I’ve done the editing

Best wishes 
Nick Mottershead


Yes please, I would love to have the footage for AHOY,


Feb 8 2013

Hi again…

Sorry it took a while to get this done – work got in the way!

The file is too big to email (71Mb), so I have put it on my company upload site – (all legitimate and virus free!!). Could be made smaller, but obviously the quality would suffer!

You only have 7 DAYS FROM NOW to retrieve it before it self-destructs!!

The link is:  http://uploader.studioandpost com/uploader/uploaded-files/pp_uploader-6D94563A-63110C06.zip
There are various ships filmed, so no doubt you will recognise them better than I can. There are also shots of various crew members which relatives may find useful.

Hope you find it interesting.

I am happy for you to use it for personal and AHOY purposes, but will need to be asked for it to be used/sold/hired elsewhere.

Any problems/requests, please let me know. Would also appreciate hearing it has arrived OK, so that I can delete the file I made for you from off this computer.

Best wishes

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