Just found your website while looking for images of the Athenia.
I live on the small island of Stronsay, part of the Orkney islands, off the north east tip of Scotland. My interest in the Athenia stems from the fact that here on Stronsay we have a ships life boat the reputably came from the Athenia. After much research another resident of Stronsay, Brian Crowe, is now 99% certain this is indeed probable the only remaining life boat from the ship. The lifeboat drifted ashore on a nearby island a few months after the sinking of the Athenia and was used on Stronsay for a number of years harvesting seaweed for the local Kelp industry before being converted to a summer house on the foreshore of Whitehall village, where it still is.
There are now plans to restore this boat to its original condition and we are intereste in trying to get in contact with any survivors or their relatives to try and raise funds for this work.I don't know if you could post this on your website but if you can I would be truly thankful, also if you know of anyone who could help us could you perhaps forward this on to them.
I attach a recent photograph of the lifeboat and a link to an article in the local weekly paper.
Mike Erdman
Stronsay Development Trust
Thank you for that, all very interesting.
At the Glasgow Transport Museum the Curator, Emily Malcolm is planning to open an Athenia Gallery in 2009, I am sure Emily would be pleased to hear from you and your plans to restore this boat seemingly from the wreck of Athenia in September of 1939. Her email address is:
Only yesterday I had an email from Canada, my correspondent had just made contact with a 93 year old survivor from Athenia.
We will certainly post your letter on our Athenia Pages on AHOY.
Best wishes.
Here is a 1937 photo of painting the stern of Athenia from two boats.
The LH one may well be one of her lifeboats, does it in anyway compare with your boat?
Best wishes,